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[pyrnet] Problem with smaller dog

I sympathize with your problem.  I have been in the same situation with
a Yorkie cross and a German Shepherd a few years ago.  However, can you
not look at solving it in another way?  In our case, we worked with a
behaviourist to determine which dog was the more dominant one, since
both were trying to fight for status but, of course, the GSD won because
of her size (she also injured the Yorkie X once, who needed stitches on
his head).   Eventually, they tolerated each other and we never had
fights again.

In general, pyrs are usually very confident dogs, can be quite dominant
and have to be shown who is the leader.  This can be obtained by haver
your pyr sit before being petted, sit before going out, sit before
getting her meal, etc.  This way she will be looking at you as the
leader instead of thinking that she should take things into her own
'paws'.  Actually, an obedience class can do wonders in this regard.  It
is always advisable when adopting a dog, no matter what age, to take
them to an obedience class, as well as to strenghten the bond, as to let
the dog know that you are the leader.  When you notice that both dogs
are getting agitated, put them both in a down/stay next to each other
for about 5 minutes, while you supervise.  If your pyr is the dominant
of the two, make sure you pet her first, give her a treat first, etc.
Also, don't console the little dog after a fight, as this is very
upsetting for the more dominant dog.  Who is actually starting the
fight?  Have you looked at the body language of both dogs?  More than
often, dogs will show before a fight what is going on, and this can be
picked up and worked on before something happens.

I wouldn't give up so easily by looking for another home yet, before
having worked on the problem myself.  It is very upsetting for a dog to
go from home to home.  They are only dogs and doing what comes natural
to them.  We have to show them, through our leadership, what we want
them to do.

Good luck in resolving this situation.

Reni, Ebony (GSD) and Claude (pyr)