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Re: Re: [pyrnet] seperation anxiety

Angel was raised by the breeder until she was almost 17 weeks old.  Lots of other dogs, not kennel raised, free to come and go through "doggie doors" in the house.  I got her as an early Christmas gift from my husband on the 19th.  Since I was on vacation I was home with her for the 1st three weeks and when I did go out, she went with me.  Once I returned to work I took her with me, to the Doggie Day Care program.  Basically, there have been very few times she has had to be left home alone.  The first time we had to leave her was for a few hours on Christmas eve...that's when the television bit the dust and the cushions on the loveseat took a beating.  She wasn't alone again until a few weeks later..when she tore great, gaping holes in the back of the loveseat & pulled out the stuffing and decided to "mark" it as well by wetting on it.  It suddenly dawned on me that I had become a prisioner in the house, couldn't leave her alone or we'd have rack & ruin!  Then I got the crate and used it for the 1st time last week.  I've left the door open & try getting her to go in for short spells while I am home....her beautiful face looks like someone took an electric grinder to it.  Another trip to the vet and her felt we could TRY the herbal pheromone rahter than medication to see if it would help calm her down.  Yesterday, her face was FINALLY healing, but I had to crate her again (no day care during testing, 2 days last week and this week).  She tore her face up again.  Today seems to have gone better (no wetting and only a tiny bit of abrasions to her upper lip), using the tee-shirt trick.  I'm pretty sure that since I "broke her in" with being home on vacation and then taking her everywhere I went, I set myself up for this.

 Ginger Schiffer <lhasalady@earthlink.net> wrote:

""My mini rescue pyr has the same problem. I have put her on Anafranil at the vet's suggestion and this has helped. I could not leave her crated as she tore her face and the crate up trying to get out. I now leave her out with the TV on in an area that is devoid of things that she might want to shred. Today I am going to work all day, so we will see how she does. What is the background of your dog??? Mine had no human contact and ran with an older pyr in the wild as it were. My vet says that dogs who have this type of upbringing have this type of problem. She was also heartworm positive and had a tough time with the treatment...so she did not feel good when she first came to us. PAM""

I was very interested in reading this as I've been wondering about seperation anxiety in my 6 mon girl. My son just moved back in and he tells me she's awful after I leave. Almost screaming and barking and carrying on. She also wets in her crate some times. As I leave before he gets up, we are now putting her crate in his bedroom. As long as she can see/hear/smell someone she's OK. She was born in the field and had no human contact until we got her at age 12 weeks. She's almost a velcro dog, but very loving. She gets a lot of attention when we are home, but we are gone long hours during the day. We have 3 other dogs in the house with her. What else can we do to help her anxiety?


My mini rescue pyr has the same problem.  I have put her on Anafranil at the vet's suggestion and this has helped.   I could not leave her crated as she tore her face and the crate up trying to get out.   I now leave her out with the TV on in an area that is devoid of things that she might want to shred.   Today I am going to work all day, so we will see how she does.   What is the background of your dog???   Mine had no human contact and ran with an older pyr in the wild as it were.   My vet says that dogs who have this type of upbringing have this type of problem.   She was also heartworm positive and had a tough time with the treatment...so she did not feel good when she first came to us.           PAM
----- Original Message -----
From: Cat
To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 5:28 AM
Subject: [pyrnet] seperation anxiety

Well, everyone was so helpful on the eating/food problems, I'm hoping you have some suggestions for a pup with horrendous seperation anxiety!

I have a crate now & have had to crate her a few times, even trying to acclimate her when I'm home.  Once I'm gone & she's in the crate, she has torn her nose and mouth up and wet herself, to the point of another vet visit (ONLY $112.00 this week)...I got a Butler's DAP (pheromone) plug in and the only "benefit" seems to be a new trait, peeing in the house!  I REALLY don't want to have to "drug" her with Clomiecalm or whatever it is, but if this keeps up, will have no choice.  I've left an old tee shirt (I wore yesterday) in the crate this morning and am hoping that might help somewhat.  I know it's forfit now (will be in ribbons when I get home)

Anyone with any suggestions out there?

 LESRVG@aol.com wrote:


I do not recall if I asked this already...is the crufts show going to be on

Keith, Soo, Dusty, and Romy

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