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[pyrnet] Isn't it funny.....
That for the past five years I have been kept up at night by my neighbours
(over a mile away) many Sled dogs (Huskies). I have never been able to get
used to it :(
When these dogs get going (nightly) in their kennel, it could wake the dead.
You can actually hear the coyotes yip and howl at them from the woods and
they howl and yip back. It's particularly bad in the fall/winter months.
They sound like their below my window and it frustrates me to no end...I
can't imagine what the neighbours who live beside them must think.
Yet, Turbo can bark her fool head off at the wind...and I barely even notice
anymore. Although she's never out at night, she does wake my hubby up
barking periodically at the cars through the window....yet I sleep right
through...go figure!
I guess when your a mom of three young girls, you learn to tune out
"certain" noises..<G>
It must be the different tone of the bark, as the Pyr bark does not seem to
annoy me in the least....well except when your immersed totally in
something, when all of a sudden a HUGE deep throaty "BARK" behind you makes
you jump through the roof! Oh my heart! LOL!
Everyone who has met my Pyr's have said although they are very beautiful
they can not understand how we can stand the barking....
Yet I really don't *hear* it anymore, it is something we have to get used to
if we are to be blessed with one of these wonderful dogs! And it sure is
alot less annoying than the yip/howl of those Huskies, or the high pitched
yap, yap of my s-i-l's Pomeranian!
Just thought it was funny.....
Sariena Foley
Dedicated, in loving memory to my boy Zeus -February 14, 00-September 27, 01
Educational site about the Great Pyrenees and facts about the ONLY reliable
source to obtain one.......a RESPONSIBLE breeder!