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Re: [pyrnet] CHAT: Rescue dogs and...

In a message dated 10/7/2002 8:05:53 PM US Mountain Standard Time, bamb@monmouth.com writes:

I knew she had studied animal communication. I
asked her to see what she could find out from Elle.

Ah the old Pet Physic!  I, too, and an interesting experience with one.  A very nice lady, who presumably, really believed in her skills....
At a recent Therapy Dog meeting I brought my Rescue male to meet the animal communicator.  Tucker is an 8 year old male, who after many years of abuse and neglect, acts and walks like he is 104!  He has survived two ALC surgeries, was kicked, hit, cut with razor blades and burned with cigarettes in his previous life.  He is terrified of loud noises and "likes to be alone."  It is obvious that this dog has been badly mistreated in the past.
When asked about Tucker's past (which I know more of than I admitted) the communicator simply said, "Tucker does not want to talk of the past.  It is too painful for him. He says to tell you he loves you and thanks you for having him".
Pretty slick, huh?
When confronted with another Pyr, who has suffered from epilepsy fro 5 years, a friend was told that her dog was in "perfect health".. The poor thing had a mild seizure that evening.
Do I believe "some" people can have "special feelings" and perhaps "communication" with animals -- yes.  Just NOT this kind woman.
But it was a good laugh!
Linda in AZ