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RE: [pyrnet] water consumption

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That is the other weird thing, she doesn't seem to urinate that much or poop any different.  If it thunders, she can hold it for 24 hours. She goes out in the morning and if it storming when I get home from work she sometimes won't go out until the next morning.  She did have blood work done about a year ago.  Maybe I have them do a panel again.  I have an old chihuahua with renal insufficiency, so I am constantly analyzing him and our other dogs. Maybe  I am paranoid, but  I'd like get it checked out.
-----Original Message-----
From: Catkin8040@aol.com [mailto:Catkin8040@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 9:44 AM
To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] water consumption

Hi Sherri,
One of my Pyrs, Shelly, is diabetic.
I don't want to scare you - but it is something to check for.  Diabetes affects the eyes very quickly - so the sooner it is diagnosed - the better.
The first sign I noticed was her excessive drinking.   And of course with all the extra water they will need to go out more.
Other signs are rapid weight loss and lack of energy.  I didn't notice any weight loss but Shelly would poop out quickly on our walks.  
It takes just a simple blood test to rule out (or diagnose).
It is a very managable disease, Shelly has had it for 2 1/2 years and is doing great.
Best wishes - let us know.....

Cat, Shelly and Lily-Belle (Great-Pyrs)