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Re: [pyrnet] Fw: RESCUE: Mid Michigan - Help find Apollo, Lost Sr, Blind GreatPyr

Has he been found?


>JethrosPlace@aol.com writes: If you can help with this search,
>please correspond with
>         Marcie <dogsownme@aol.com>
>We are going to do a land search for Apollo (the Great Pyrenees)
>on Saturday
>and Sunday, so we desperately need people to help.  Please pass
>this on to
>anybody who is a dog lover and could possibly help us find him,
>at this point
>either dead or alive, so that we can get him back home, or at
>least know what
>happened to him.
>Sherri will let me know where the best places are to look, and I
>will inform
>everyone tomorrow where and when.  It looks like Standish and
>Morrice are
>both places that need to be checked.  It sounds like there is a
>chance that
>the dog spotted in Standish was not him, but one never knows.  He
>is 10 years
>old, mostly blind and deaf, and needs us to find him.

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