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Re: [pyrnet] Re: Family Jewels

----- Original Message -----
To: Pyrnet
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 2:27 PM
Subject: [pyrnet] Re: Family Jewels

I am not against neutering, I respect all the good reasons for doing it, but there is no reason why people should not be both caring and responsible dogowners, even if they do own an intact male. Just because Newman is intact does not mean he will ever father a litter, time enough to point fingers if and when he does.
It is perfectly possible to have an intact male and keep him from mating, it is simply a matter of good fences and closed doors
Lene Nielsen
Keeping an intact male from escaping when an in season female is in the vicinity is not a matter of good fencing and closed doors. If it were we would have far less homeless animals. An intact male can and often times does go to extraordinary lengths to reach an in season female. All it takes is one accident. And then you have innocent puppies that could well suffer because of a person's decision not to neuter. Once that accident happens it is too late to take it back.
If the husband has rashly said he will be the one to be leashed to and responsible for the dog than make sure he lives up to his word. He can only sluff off  on that responsibility if you let him. And if he won't live up to it I would make it clear that if he doesn't do what he has said he will do then the dog will be neutered. No if, and, or buts.
Marie, Valentino and angel Beau