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RE: [pyrnet] Anais

We had a bit of a scare here.  One day and $600 later, I am very grateful
that it seems that Anais will be OK but it is very unsettling that we
really don't know what caused the problem.  It seems that Anais ate
something that poisoned her, probably out in the yard.  Starting Sunday,
something seemed to be bothering her but she didn't seem to be sick, just
acting oddly, like wanting to go into the puppy's pen all the time.  Monday
night she barked more than usual and then finally climbed up on top of me
on the bed and sat on my shoulder, just sat there.  She was eating fine,
though until Tuesday night.  Right before dinner, she threw up 4 times,
only phlegm.  She wouldn't touch her food or any water, so I called my vet
who said to keep food and water away from her for the night and then feed
her two jars of chicken baby food in the morning and go back to normal
feeding after that if she was OK.  She ate one jar, but wouldn't touch the
second or any water.  By lunchtime her gums were pale and she had thrown up
again and still wouldn't drink, so off to the vet.  Blood tests, stool
sample, X-rays (which showed a lot of gas in her intestines), subcutaneous
fluids, a shot of antibiotics and something else... back to my regular vet
this morning.  She says that her throat is sore and there's a lot of
activity in her intestines but the blood work is all OK, so she thinks
she'll be alright after whatever it is works its way through.  I'm
patrolling the yard to find what it could have been but haven't found
anything.  I did notice one plant and pulled it out that had long flat
green "leaves" and a root that looked like a sweet potato.  I have taken a
sweet potato looking thing away from one of the dogs before at some time. 
I have also pulled out some bulbs.  I'm wondering if it could have been
something like that, since she was digging a big hole the other day.  

Anyway, I'm just glad that she seems a lot better.  It was very scary to
see her looking so very sick.     

--- Stephanie, Ciaran, Anais & Maggie
--- srwhitney1@earthlink.net