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[pyrnet] Re: pyrnet-l-digest.20011209

In a message dated 12/10/2001 12:02:20 AM Eastern Standard Time, pyrnet-l-owner@pyrnet.org writes:

Do you know that he actually STOPS
TRAFFIC?  I've never had a dog before that will actually cause people to
stop in their cars and get out to come and pet him. He's almost caused
WRECKS before! If we're driving down the street, people stop beside us,
roll down their windows and want to talk about him.  "What kind of dog is
he?" Etc., etc. He elicits smiles everywhere he goes. It's amazing.  If >>>>>

Yep  !!  the questions are endless, then, the questions start repeating themselves~~ie: what kind of dog is that ? (He hasn't told Us yet !)~~~  Does He bite? (He hasn't Yet !)~~~Does He eat much  ?(when these dogs are puppys, You have to have a 2nd job just to feed them !) Do You have to brush Him ? ( only if You want to live in the same house with Him )~~Does He shed much ? (if You don't like hair, don't get a PYR )~~~Then, there are the comments, such as: "looks like Your dog is taking You for a walk !" ( Everyone thinks that this is such an original and cute comment !)~~
Yep ! they stop traffic~~I took An"D" out 1 time, decided to cross a street with Him~~the light was red "time to walk across" (I said)~~big problem ! the crosswalk had other pediestrians walking across too !  An"D" being the "ham" that he is, He had to "meet n' Greet everyone ! The light turned green, An"D and I are in the middle of the intersection~~And , An"D" was in NO HURRY to get to the other side ! We got a lot of laughs that day~~I was so proud !, but then again, I was a "bright red" color, cause' the dog had stopped all traffic, while people laughed, talked, and Yes, some got out of their cars and walked up to us !