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RE: [pyrnet] Males

Oh Hermit!!! I do so enjoy reading your posts:)I hope your children realize
how blessed they are to have you as their Father!

My "pain" came when I went into labor nearly 3 months early. They could not
stop it. With each contraction his heart slowed to 20 beats a minute (was
140)to stopping completely.  emergency c-section. I remember fighting to
come out of anaesthetic, desperate to see my child...knowing full well,
that....well, you know. Kenneth William, born weighing 3 lbs is in second
grade, rides a 2 wheeler (sans training wheels) and gives his sister every
reason in the world to occasionally thump him! I am priveledged to be a
stay-home-mom and the only pain I experienced since then was the day he said
" Mom, you don't need to hold my hand anymore, I can do this all by myself."
As to who has the highest tolerance to pain in our house, I have to say
me...having consumed, in it's entirety, an anniversary  breakfast with not
ONE recognizable item from ANY food group! The pain my husband was in was
clearly evident..with every mouthful, his body stiffend, his face distorted
as though it were trying to turn inside out,...I really thought I would have
to shoot him to put him out of his misery! He LOOKED like he had the mumps!
The clock is winding down ...2 1/2 days and we'll have our puppy!!! the
anticipation is killing me....but it doesn't hurt! Have a GREAT day all:)
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org [mailto:owner-pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org]On
Behalf Of Gordon Crump
Sent: November 15, 2001 7:43 AM
To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] Males

   Sariena, you make some good points for your side. And I would be
the last to understate the pain of childbirth.  But it is limited. For
real pain, try earning a living for three children, buying three
college educations, and caring for them alone, without help, for 21
   True I have not had a baby. But I have had

Hermit in the Woods,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sariena" <s.foley@sympatico.ca>
To: <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 7:45 AM
Subject: RE: [pyrnet] Males

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org [mailto:owner-pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org]On
> Behalf Of Bonnie Trones
>  Oh and as far as pain goes--in my experience at home
> and hospital work, women have a much better tolerance for
pain--having a
> baby I hear compares with having a kidney stone---lots of howling
> on<G>!!!!
> ====
> Not in my opinion! I've had both...stones and three kids. I'll tell
> nothing compares. It doesn't get any easier the more you have
> Try being in labour for the first time, and have your husband
(trying to be
> funny and break the ice) "Ah women, you don't know what pain is till
> had gout!"
> Not funny...If I could have got a hold of him at the time, I
wouldn't have
> had the last two of my girls!LOL!
> But the prize after words, makes it all worth it, the pain is
forgotten in a
> second.
> I still maintain that if men had the babies, the population would
die out ;)
> Sariena
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