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Re: [pyrnet] Definitely here

ROFL! Your info is not useless! I enjoyed reading it! But, a tip on the mud factor. A muddy pup is a happy pup. When he comes in all muddy, put him in the crate until he dries. The mud will fall out onto the crate pan, and what doesn't will just brush out. This way, his painting days w/mud will be a thing of the past. Somewhere around here I have some pics sent by a puppy buyer. They are pics of their 2 Pyrs. Boy are they MUDDY! But they are smiling! <G> Chel always loved getting dirty, and I just let her. Her favorite toys were paper bags, cardboard boxes, and the inside rolls from toilet paper and paper towels. She also loved squeakies, and thankfully, has outgrown the chewing stage! (she's not 7!) Bo was ALWAYS a good pup, I think we lost only one shoe to him, but then he's been dignified since he was 8 weeks old. The only toy he ever played with was our other Pyrs. From the time my litters were 4 weeks old I put toys in with them. So, all the pups seemed to love toys.
Barb Bowes
Bo & Chelsea (Pyrs), Flopsy (Pyr Shep) & Machin (Doxie)
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!