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[pyrnet] CHAT: The 2nd Day That Will Live In Infamy

It is very near 1:30 AM here, and I cannot yet bear to go up to
bed. It's tomorrow. The tragedy occurred yesterday, but the
wounds are still fresh. I would have felt horrible, no matter
where in the world this had occurred, but the fact that it
occurred here, in my homeland, makes it all the worse. I have
wanted to cry all day, but I am still unable to do so. Perhaps
after the final numbers of those lost are in, perhaps once the
shock wears off. The magnitude of this has just overwhelmed me.
My own problems pale in comparison. I ran the gamut of emotions
today. First shock, then fear, and finally anger. Overwhelming
anger! It's the anger that has sustained me. I went to work today
because I was determined that "they" would not "win" and make me
too afraid to go to work. I would be strong. I would show "them".
Life went on, even in the face of this horror. Humbling. I am
trying very hard to let go of my feelings of revenge. Trying hard
to let go of the feelings of wanting to retaliate in kind. It
isn't easy. I am working on my second glass of wine right now,
hoping this will help me sleep, as my heart breaks for those who
have lost loved ones and friends. And I keep repeating this
prayer over and over in my head. "Help those who have lost those
they love to overcome this tragedy, help them to forgive and once
again give their hearts joy, and may those who were involved in
this, who perpetrated this heinous act of terrorism, burn in Hell
for all Eternity". Amen. The dogs know "something" is wrong. They
are within reach, if I need them, but they are not being pushy.
They are just "there" for me should I need to feel the sense of
security they provide. I have not felt this extreme sense of
sadness, helplessness, tragedy, since the Oklahoma City Bombing.
It's beyond words.

Barb Bowes
Bo & Chelsea (Pyrs), Flopsy (Pyr Shep) & Machin (Doxie)
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!