Hi Adrienne, this is a tough one. I'm sorry, but I
do not remember all the details about Luna. If what little memory I have left
serves, she was not in the best of shape and was more than likely poorly
socialized? Perhaps, keeping her on lead while people are visiting will help, as
well as some positive reinforcement obedience training. It sounds as if she is
somewhat conflicted. She feels the need to protect and watch over things, but is
also fearful of the situation. Introducing her slowly to the social situations,
on lead may help her understand her role better and help her feel more
comfortable in these situations. Obedience training helps to build confidence if
it's the proper sort of training. working with a relatively unsocialized dog,
who is fearful in social situations takes a lot of patience. As Sariena has
said, don't push too far, too fast.
Barb Bowes
Bo & Chelsea (Pyrs), Flopsy (Pyr Shep) & Machin (Doxie) The more people I meet, the more I like my dog! bamb@monmouth.com |