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Re: [pyrnet]Reply/Hi,I'm new here


I also admire your commitment to this dog, but I really think you are
mischaracterizing the incident you describe as Zeus "showing great bite
inhibition." He bit her in the face. How HARD he bit her shouldn't
matter, in my opinion. 

I have a line in the sand with dogs and it involves biting kids. If a
dog bites a child in our household, he cannot stay. That doesn't
necessarily mean he needs to be put down, but the dog cannot continue
to live in my home. 

I agree with Joe that the correct Pyr temperament is *remarkably*
tolerant of smaller, weaker animals and people. THis should be
especially true of a Pyr raised with kids, as yours has been. My Pys is
calm and gentle with the kids and quietly protective when a strange dog
tries to approach them.

Hundreds of cases each year have tragic consequences when a biting dog
is brought back into a home with kids for "just one more chance." Go to
www.dogrights.com and you can read about new ones each week.


~Katie Allison Granju~ 
Writing ~ Editing ~ Consulting


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