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Re: [pyrnet] neighboors.
----- Original Message -----
From: cari a mccullough <tcrca@juno.com>
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] neighboors.
> inside the house! this man is a very light sleeper, who has trouble
> falling back to sleep after being woken. i am inclined to think that that
> is HIS problem, not ours, since as i said, this is one bark, from inside
> the house.
This is not a unique problem at all. I have one neiighbor who throws
food out for all the loose critters that may pass by, including leftover
roasts for loose dogs. My dogs are contained in my yard and never allowed
to roam loose. He was calling the dog officer at first woof-- and only for
my dogs. Has not called since the time last fall when my dogs were kenneled
10 miles away one evening because I was leaving on a trip in the morning,
and every other dog in the neighborhood was woofing. I invited the dog
officer to find where my dogs were barking-- hehehe. He then went over and
informed the gentleman that my dogs were not even home. Another time he
called the officer at home at 6:45 AM to complain--- unfortunately, we do
not get out of bed til closer to 8 AM here LOL.
Another new neighbor across the street parades over here at first woof
to complain. Claims at 11 AM on a Sunday that my Newfie/shep woke him up.
At that time I apoligized and added thats why I did not put them out til
after 10 AM as it was. Well no complaints of late, hehehe, as there is a
new colicky, wailing infant there who seems to drown out any dog, and I hear
it at all hours of the niight when I take the dogs out (I try to be a good
neighbor and only take my dogs out on a leash after dark).
Molly- pyr-- but mom it is my job to protect the neiighborhood
Bosco- Newfiie/shep-- hey I can woof at the birds too, molly taught me