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[pyrnet] New Puppy (sorry Long)
Hello Carrie and welcome to the list.I think the first thing is house
breaking .He or She is going to be much to young to be left out side by
itself they can fall pyr to just about anything If I were you I would use a
crate or make a spot for him in the home.I think with training thee is
really no set rule or way it's what goes with the way you want your pyr to
behave and what suites your home.They can be headstrong and love to bark and
shed mountains of fur.Please I have a few questions that I hope you will
answer for me without getting upset because I am not being critical but
concerned and a little red flag is going up when I think of these.Your
little pup is only going to be a month old that is way to young to really be
leaving its mom and litter mates actually its probably just starting to eat
mush.Will the breeder have given it its first shots and wormer?I know the
excitement that comes with waiting.I picked my male out when he was 2 weeks
old and the breeder would not let me take him home until he was 8 weeks and
she felt he was healthy enough to leave Dose the breeder want you take the
pup at this young age or are you wanting to bring it home?If you can I would
leave it for a few more weeks with it mom and litter just so you know he is
eating and gaining weight and learning a little respect where the bite
issues are the little stinkers teeth are like needles.Also both my pyrs are
great with kids even my female that suffered at the hands of children.If
people come to my home that don't like my Dogs they can just find the door
again it swings both ways and I hope it hits them where they sit on the way
out too.I'm going get in trouble for that statement.Good Luck Carrie
Peggy,Shadow and Noel