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[pyrnet] Smelly kitties
Hey Jan!
Nope, not the smelly kitties. I mean regular kitties. Our neighbor
across the street is not the best pet provider and we've reported them to
the police, the county and to the SPCA. They have at least 10 cats that are
always having kittens. Several dogs that run loose in the neighborhood.
Neighbors have been bitten and the dogs taken to the animal shelter and then
the owners go get them and bring them back. They don't comply with the city
laws and ordinances but since I live in "Mayberry" and "Andy" (our mayor)
won't let "Barney" (our policemen) give "Aunt Bea" (speeders and other law
breakers) any tickets, fines, or citations of any sort I don't expect
anything to change. It really stinks!! Sometimes it stinks in more ways
than one. (Their yard is a stinky mess.)
Just two weeks ago one neighbor was over their way taking pictures and
when I asked what they were taking pictures of I was told that there was a
dead kitten that had been under a tree on the side of the street opposite of
me that had been there for a week. They didn't have the decency to take
care of that. That's just not sanitary to leave it there. Not to mention
the fact that it's not humane.
I believe that if you're not going to take care of your animals you
don't need to have any! I don't think that just because you have a
registered dog/cat you need to go "breeding" the thing every heat. I'm not
so sure that the average lay person should breed. Those are just my
feelings. Please do not flame me for feeling that way.
Long and short of it is I don't want those animals in my yard. We spray
our yard, keep our animals inside unless we are out, and make sure they are
properly taken care of. I don't want fleas, and "crap" all over my yard.
So when Bear is sitting on the stairs looking out and sees one of the bad
kitty kitties he's really seeing just a regular old domesticated kitty. I
just tell him they are bad kitty kitties. See, he has a kitty and his kitty
is "Bear's good kitty kitty". That's how we tell him the difference between
the good and the bad one's. Be it good, bad, or maybe even really bad,
that's what we call them.
Sorry to confuse you. Fortunately we don't have stinky kitties coming
into our yard. They live all over but don't come in the yard ~ at least not
yet! I don't know that Lynn (the lady at the vets that bathes Bear) would
like me and Bear too much!!!!!!
Wishing every one a safe, happy, prosperous NEW YEAR!!!!! Stay warm!!!
Bridget, Bear & Princess
Alabama Gulf Coast