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Re: [pyrnet] Dwarf/dwarf breedings.
Have there ever been litters known from two reliabley confirmed Dwarf
Not that I know and I'm not sure that it has even been tried. For so long
they have been euthanized and/or kept "in the attic", so it was difficult
to find them. Padgett is one of the people who would like to see a
dwarf/dwarf breeding. When we discussed this at the national in PA, I said
that we didn't know of an intact dwarf bitch. He said that if we decided
to do this, he was sure that one would "appear". Obviously he has
"sources". Or did then. I think that the issue would be with the dwarf
bitch. We know from Ubu that dwarf males are not necessarily sterile.
In Mals they have somewhat larger dwarfs. Certainly dwarf/dwarf breedings
have been done in Mals.
I think (my judgement only) that it might not be all that difficult to
convince the Board that such a breeding needed to be done. But it would
take a careful approach, especially in light of the current "battle". (no,
I do not wish to discuss that !!!)
Two years ago the Board was in pretty good support of a club sponsored test
breeding program. Unfortunately the two people who wanted to do it lost
interest, so nothing was actually put to paper. How the Board would feel
now is up to some question. If there is a GPCA member out there who would
be interested in setting up a test breeding protocol, please contact me.