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Re: [pyrnet] Dew Claws
Thanks for the info Robyn. Glad to hear it's not a fault. :)
> > While we're on the subject of dew claws, I'd like to ask everyone
> what they think about the following. My oldest male Pyr {entirely
> :) } naturally has his front single dew claws and back double dews but on
> his back left foot (I think it is....maybe his right) he has an extra,
> small nail. Not an extra third toe on the doubles, just a tiny extra nail
> on one of the double toes. He also passes this on to about half of his
> offspring. Any thoughts?>>
> Our youngest male has this type of dew claw on one of his hind feet.
> two years ago, at a show in Sarasota, FL, Whitney Coombs gave a talk on
> breed standard. I asked him about this -- whether it was a fault, and he
> said it wasn't. Seeing he helped put together the Illustrated Standard, I
> guess he should know <G>.
> --- Robyn Allwright
> --- ziffanyrobyn@earthlink.net
> --- Ziffany Great Pyrenees