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Re: [pyrnet] Pyrs without Dwarf producing ancestors
----- Original Message -----
From: <SovreignPyrs@aol.com>
Someone needs to do a test breeding to collect DNA from all, >>
Doing a test breeding and collecting DNA will simply give us another
"family" to work with. Our researcher says that he is going to need DNA
from around 15 diferent families. We are still getting dwarfs born. if
the breeders would just particpate in the extant work, we could make faster
progress. If there are no dwarfs, then it is of limited value.
<<. I can;t believe after all this time, and
all the discussion, that no one has done such a breeding for researchers.
The only breeding that any "researcher" has even expressed any interest in
was if we would do a dwarf/dwarf breeding to show beyond doubt that we have
a simple recessive. That has not been done.
<<Its the only way to solve the problem if we can't get teh info from the
You can get information from the committee. You're just not going to get
it on a public list over the internet. Or from me in private email Try
calling Tami. Try calling me. Figure out before you do what kind of
questions you really want to ask. "Tell me everything you know" is not
going to get it.
<<What do you think? I'd be willing to house a dwarf to help the breed. >>
If this is important to you and something that you would like to do to
"help the breed", call Tami and ask her what she thinks and how it could be
set up and how you would like to do it.