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Re: [pyrnet] Pyrs without Dwarf producing ancestors
----- Original Message -----
From: <SovreignPyrs@aol.com>
When i ask questions, I'm told due to code of ethics, no one talks about
anything. In effect a gag order is in place, which will never move anyone
I frankly find this kind of bizarre. As far as I know there is nothing in
the Code of Ethics that prevents anyone from talking about genetic problems
in a line. Actually there is a section that sort of mandates talking about
them. Surely the large numbers of truly honest breeders (about everything
including dwarfs) have not been disciplined for doing so, nor have they
seemed to pay any official price for their honesty. the price that they
may pay from their fellow club members is an entirely different issue.
The Code can be used as an excuse for lack and honesty and forthrightness,
just as can most anyting else. If a breeder wants to lie and/or deceive,
she can always find some way to justify it.
While nobody may have been "running up to you" to tell you anything, have
you tried asking? Both the direct breeder and people who have dogs from
the same lines? If you don't trust the people from who you got your
original stock, then maybe its time to consider working with some other
breeder or line of dogs.
Also, I do believe that you will probably have few to none of the more
recent discovered carriers in your line. You may well have a number of
those past carriers, those strongly suspected carriers or carriers from a
decade or more past that nobody (especially their breeders) wants to talk
about. The lack of honesty among some breeders is a huge obstacle to this
process. And for me is a much bigger "sin" than having produced any number
of dwarfs. And, unlike marie, I think that this lack of honesty has little
to do with fear of anything except loosing some sales and a BIG reputation.