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Re: [pyrnet] Now dwarfism - (sorry long)
In a message dated 12/23/00 4:48:17 AM Pacific Standard Time,
lmweisser@olywa.net writes:
. I surely
will from this point on, give absolutely no credibility to anything that
you say or report that you have seen. Frankly we simply need to depend to
some degree upon the past history and "reputation" of people for knowledge
and information.
You know the difference between what some unknown "friend" told you Vs. what
someone reports directly. And of course one must always take the reporter
source into consideration. One must, though, be careful to identify the
faulty logic tactic employed many times in debates, especially from one with
a loosing position, of attacking the debater Vs the merits or issues of
debate. What I was told was from someone who knew extremely well and loved
Carolyn, was also someone with an excellent reputation and I have known of
them for several years. This too is subject to subjective bias, but somewhat
more (IMHO) reliable than some obtuse friend who is refuting what someone
else who owned a dog reported directly and now even going into the reporters
psyche about things that make them an unreliable reporter.
We must all evaluate our information and sources, but with these obtuse
quotes from out of no where and unknown identity, it is impossible. Many of
us can and do think for ourselves and do not need nor do we want to be spoon
fed what someone else wants us to know.
But I agree that we will be better served with hard information from unbiased
sources and sources with credibility, i.e., education and credentials plus
experience. Experience is dangerous without the education, thus the old saw,
" A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." Education by itself is also
dangerous. So when we get into the area of genetics, statistics, and vet
related areas we must give greatest difference to those who possess all the
above credentials. That's why I personally am going to insist on less
subjective information and information reported by others without the
background in education and/or experience (some in this debate possess
neither), to those few sources available with all the credentials.
Scientific information published in the mainstream publications of their
professions is the ultimate source. The investigators put it out there in
its rawest form for their c!
olleges to view, study, challenge, embellish,
etc., but it is there and it is not just bunch of subjective drivel.