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Re: [pyrnet] Dew Claws
Bridget, there appears to be several trains of thought on this. Some say
that missing double dews are absolute proof that a dog is a mixed breed.
The other allows for the fact that in any breeding, things are going to
not be perfect. I don't think there would be a reason for a standard if
everything always was perfect. We aspire to a standard, often it doesn't
happen. Incorrect teeth or jaw placement, dew claws, incorrect bone
structure, eyes, etc. are only some things that make a dog look a little
different than more perfect specimens.
I would guess the dog was a Pyr. if he looked enough like it in all other
respects. Possibly the rest of it's litter mates had their dew claws.
Can't judge a book by its cover. We like those double dews, but I don't
think they always show up. Also, is there a possibility that someone had
them removed as a pup? A lot of ignorance there as we all know!
This was the simplified answer, IMO, someone else can do the genetic
thing! :-) Cindy
Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas
"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog." ~ Franz Kafka
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