In my request for blood samples from affected
Multifocal Reintopathy dogs I never intended it to get so heated but many may
have a greater understanding of what is happening in the breed. We have a chance
to get rid of one problem and get more information on others. I again ask if you
have a dog or bitch that has been diagnosed with MR please help with
blood so the researchers can go on with the DNA (no cost to the breed
clubs )
Darrell wanted a study on how this affects the dogs
well this is why we need an affected bitch to produce a litter so such a study
can go on. These studies are being done by people who are reputable
in their fields at reputable vet schools and colleges.
If you can help you can get in touch with Dr.
Grahn or to get his address you can e-mail me privately at
This is one problem we can solve so please if you
can help do so
Marie Klimek