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Re: [pyrnet] LGD's
Bob/Anne, Welcome to the list. I am only just getting some of my mail
from yesterday, computer stuff again I guess. :-(
Please remember when you go to breed that there is an estimated 6 million
animals put to death in this country every year due to nothing more than
over production/ population.
Before you breed her, check with the breed rescue groups to see how many
G.Pyrs. around the country are in rescue or foster care, and need to be
placed. Will you want to add to that, if you really like & care for the
Before you breed her, are you willing to take back the pups should
something happen? The best breeders do, because they care about what
they have produced. Other peoples dogs end up in rescue if they are
lucky, or put to death if they are not.
Before you breed her, have you shown her? It helps to ascertain if
others see her quality. Females do matter in a good breeding program.
And I know this may not sound nice, but I have to ask, because I care
about the breed. Do you think women need to have produced offspring in
order to settle and mature? Age settles us all soon enough , obedience
classes teach manners, and spay/ neutering saves endless amounts of
problems for dogs in this world. I have five Pyrs., three female, two
male, all are spay/neutered, and they are perfectly fine!
Again, welcome to the list, and I hope every ones suggestions will help
you decide what to do! :-) Cindy
Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas
"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog." ~ Franz Kafka
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