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Re: [pyrnet] Pyr heart
On 21 Dec 2000, at 13:16, darrell goolsbee wrote:
> And SAS is even worse, because you are presented with the possibility
> of drop-dead young dogs. In dogs with the severe form of SAS, I have
> read that there is a 75 percent likelihood of death by age 3!!!
Severe will die, moderate is unknown future, mild usually lives a
normal life. In some cases puppies pass the puppy check at
around 10 weeks and at 1 yr are checked and trivial to mild SAS is
found and these usually have a very good prognosis. SAS is a
developmental disease so the least mild disease when young the
The other thing that can happen if a dog has it and you don't know
it is vegetative endocarditis. It's essential SAS dogs are given
antibiotics for cuts, scrapes, scratches, infections, dentals.
Because if bacteria gets in the bloodstream, vegetative
endocarditis develops. Really want to see pictures of what that
does to a heart.
Janice, janices@austin.rr.com
Lana & Linsey (newfs), Sonny (pyr)
Hutto, TX