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Re: [pyrnet] Steering Committee website
This is the new website being constructed by Ronda Trent for the next World
Conference on Pyreneans. Information will be put onto this website and you
can subscribe through this website. Please remember this site is under
construction and will be updated regularly. The URL for this site is also in
Ronda and my addresses (below our names). http://www.geocities.com/pyrworld
Jan Chaplin
Ariege-Roussillon Pyreneans
http://www.geocities.com/janellachaplin or
Visit here!! http://www.geocities.com/pyrworld
----- Original Message -----
From: "Patric Lundberg" <pyrsrgr8@yahoo.com>
To: <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
Sent: Friday, 22 December 2000 11:05
Subject: [pyrnet] Heredibility of recessives
> Joe,
> (and pardon me Linda for butting in)
> > An ever deminsihing number of
> > descendants each
> > generation will be at risk of 50%.
> With this statement you are assuming equal use of each dog at every
> generation, which we know is not the case. I think one of Linda's
> points was that a popular sire can very quickly increase the carrier
> incidence in the population even if all his offspring subsequently are
> not used more than average. However, each time a carrier from those
> lines happens to become popular and produce a larger number of
> offspring, the incidence in the population again jumps.
> So, with the assumption that future dogs are used to an equal level
> (that means approximately the same number in subsequent are used, and
> used to produce about the same number of offspring), *then* any time a
> popular stud is a carrier, then number of carriers takes a leap upwards
> in the population.
> Without doing some population modelling on this, we can't say when this
> accumulation would plateau, but my guess is that a simple recessive
> should accumulate until it reaches somewhere between 0-50% of the whole
> population being carriers.
> > I doubt there is a litter
> > from show stock in the USA that does not
> > have a dwarf carrier behing it somewhere.
> Show stock or not, this is probably true although there might just be
> some old CA lines that have a chance of being "clean" for this
> particular affliction.
> That said, I'd like to bring up a common saying among geneticists, that
> every individual carries around 5 severe genetic problems (most of
> which we would never have a clue is there, naturally). So while you
> may think you are in the clear for one "invisible" trait, you are
> virtually guaranteed to have a few other problems lurking in the
> shadows...
> Patric
> =====
> "Sage Advice Improves with Thyme"
> Patric Lundberg, PhD
> patric@pyrealm.com
> Department of Virology
> City of Hope National Medical Center
> (626)359-8111 x2612
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