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Re: [pyrnet] Pyr eyes
----- Original Message -----
From: <JGentzel@aol.com>
Is meeting with sucess in getting a reduction in the number of Dwarfs.
Probability is useful in groups but not necessarily useful with an
individual, but it is harsh to assume that all descendants are always 50%
risk and is not really true. An ever deminsihing number of descendants
generation will be at risk of 50%. >>
Unfortunately that is simply not true for (as I said earlier) any single
individual animal. Please go to Willis or Padgett or any book that
discusses genetics in a resonably sophisticated manner. Many years ago
Padgett wrote a long and absorbing article for the Pointer club discussing
their dwarf problem. In the article he refuted the belief of some Pointer
breeders that by breeding over and over to known non-carriers (presuming
you can identify such) you could eliminate or reduce to nearly meaningless
numbers the problem in the breed.
I would be happy to send you a copy if you would like one.
<< If the 50% always was true, most us
should ethically always disclose to all our puppy buyers that they have a
change of having things like Dwarfs, etc.>>
If you know that there is a *known* carrier behind your puppies, yes you
have that obligation. I have had more than one distressed and unhappy
conversation with a breeder who was not told by people who should have
told, that her animals were at risk for being dwarf carriers.
<< I doubt there is a litter from
show stock in the USA that does not have a dwarf carrier behing it
somewhere. >>
I hear that over and over and I would dispute it as a statement of fact.
Of course, it does depend upon how you define "show stock". Also, as we
discussed earlier, in some cases the possible carrier has been shown not to
be a carrier.
It's not a simple business.