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Re: [pyrnet] Re: Cindy
Linda, thank you! The real heros are Chris and Robert Hintermen and
their pig sanctuary. Last year they spent $15,000. alone just on food.
That's not new buildings, fences, heaters , fans ,misters etc. to keep
the pigs alive in Tx. weather extremes. Chris currently has four pigs
that she has taken in for a sheriffs dept., while the case is in court.
A guy put these four pigs in the bottom of a dried pond ( tank here ) in
a covered small kennel run. Figured they would have slop water at the
bottom. He never came back when we got the heavy fall rains as the water
rose the pigs were in danger of drowning. Finally neighbors complained
after watching the pigs try to tread water in a confined area! Our own
little Rocky has much the same story as this beautiful little pig, he was
tiny when he was savaged by dogs. All of us who care, barely can put a
dent in it, with all the forms of cruelty to all these animals! All any
of us can do is try! Thanks again! Cindy
Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas
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