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Re: [pyrnet] John in VA
Hi John,
I second Linda's sentiments! I started with Pyrs in Georgia 6 years ago
because we purchased a small herd of angora goats for our farm. I too have
had dogs all my life and many different breeds, but as I tell my new puppy
parents--once you ever own a Pyrenees--you will always have the breed.
I have had as many as 5 adults at one point and loved our Pyrenees family!
Our two hundred plus pound Angora "BILLY" loved the dogs and wanted to be a
part of that family! "Billy" was always escaping the goat pastures to lie in
the middle of the Pyr family while they were resting/watching the grounds!
It was hilarious to come home and see 6 in our Pyr family, resting
comfortably--only one of the 6 had wide horns that stretched as far as a
Texas Longhorn!
Life changed and the farm was eventually sold and some of my Pyrs placed with
family and friends but we still have 2 and they have lived in Ohio,
Pennsylvania and now back to Georgia--all in totally different enviroments.
They are now totally "City Dogs" and our beloved house dogs and simply adapt
to anything.
We couldn't imagine life without those big white dogs--no matter where we
live or what path life takes us down.
Good luck to you.
sherry (Nicky and Georgia)