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Re: [pyrnet] Strangeness
I consider this to be rather annoying myself. If my son would walk by
with his books on his head, the dogs will bark. If we are playing and
make funny voices or noises, they bark. I have stuck a bowl on my head,
right in front of their faces...they bark. Gulliver raised as a single,
is not as barky. The four sibling kids seem to bark if a hair is out of
place. None are fearful, they get right in and investigate. But it
annoys me that they bark at us! Some things I can defend as being really
aware of their environment and any changes, which helps them guard.
But other things almost seem mindless to me. As much as I love them, I
can honestly say, I do not like this aspect of them. Cindy
Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas
"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog." ~ Franz Kafka
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