You did the right thing always go with your heart it never leads you astray,Wish more breeders did the same thing instead of thinking of the pocket.
----- Original Message ----- From: Tracy Bassett Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 4:16 PM To: Great Pyrenees Discussion List; PYRNET-L;;; Subject: [pyrnet] CHAT, RESCUE: Heads Up!
>Subject: [Borzoi-News] Do NOT Sell To this Man!! >Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 19:44:28 -0500 > >Hi To All, >There is a man named Roger Slyker or Skyler from MN. He has called me >several times. He thought he wanted a Borzoi to protect his heard of Elk >till convinced him a Borzoi was NOT what he really wanted. But, in talking >with him SEVERAL times now, I have come to the conclusion and this is my >opinion, he would likely NOT be a suitable owner for ANY dog!!! Actually >came to that conclusion early in our second conversation after he told he >he Got Rid of his last dog. At that point, I didn't want to know how he >"got rid" of the dog. He talks about "mastering" the dog. I have a strong >feeling what THAT means!! > >This Guy is crude to say the very least. I am being polite here folks. >Now, for some reason he has decided it is MY duty to find him a dog, maybe >a Pyr. > >So, PLEASE, cross post this to ALL lists you belong to far and wide!!! >This man IS bad news. Had no clue what a companion dog was, why would he >want a dog as a companion. Now, I understand that working, Herding dogs >are NOT companion dogs. They have a job, take it seriously, do it >willingly and well but I trust my gut when it tells me this man would have >NO problem beating any dog into submission for the slightest infraction of >His rules and would "get rid" of one that was not exactly to his liking and >did not perform exactly as he expects and demands. He also expects one dog >to be able to protect his heard from any pack of Coyotes or what ever else >may come along including Mountain Lions. > >So, PLEASE DO cross post this far and wide!!! > >Carol Backers >The National Borzoi Rescue Foundation > if not you, then who... > if not now, then when...
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