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RE: [pyrnet] TRAINING: anticipating the correction
Dear Pico,
My name is Calysto, and I have to say you are one lucky guy! My mom went to a trainer who does what she calls "poison-proofing" - they taught me that I am not allowed to have food except in two cases - (1) directly from my own bowl at home or (2) when I hear *my* word. Mom picked an unusual word I am not likely to hear, then doesn't let me have food or treats or anything til I hear it. Even if it is sitting right on my nose. And I am *never* allowed to pick anything up off the ground. Mom says I don't know where that's been.
They even set me up with some yummy treats on the ground - and then I couldn't have them - and when mom offered me treats, I couldn't have them til I heard my word - and if I didn't hear my word, i didn't get them. Mom says, dad's old patrol car out front made us a "target of vandalism" and that this was a way to make sure I didn't get hurt by mean people.
She also said to tell your mom that even though you are tall, she is still bigger than you - that a correctino needn't be hard to work. She says if your mom is bracing herself for a strong pull to the side, maybe she should, instead, consider one good solid yank directly upwards - with both hands, if need be. That is what mom does, and it brings me up short!
Try to stay out of trouble now!
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