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RE: [pyrnet]
Hi Thea -- your kids should have been at my house on the 3rd -- we had 4" of the white stuff fall! This has been the second snow fall of the "winter", and it's very unusual for us to have snow this early in the season. Hope we're getting it over with early, and we can have an early spring <VBG>.
Regarding the Pyr/mix. We too have such mixes appearing. Just this past week there was a Pyr/Anatolian/Sharpei? mix, and before that a Pyr/Saint mix. What gets me is -- they are asking $125 and up for what is basically a "mut"! If I wanted a mixed breed, I can get one for next to nothing at the humane society, and that includes shots and a heath check, and having it neutered.
Anyway -- hope you just get snow, and no ice.
--- Robyn Allwright
--- Ziffany Great Pyrenees