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Re: [pyrnet] higher in the rear?
Thanks Bonnie. For years I have measured at the shoulder blade by putting a
copy of Paul Strangs Great Pyrenees hard onto the shoulder and measuring
from the floor to the bottom of the book. Usually takes two people but
always been an accurate measure. Must admit I bought the book before the
first Pyr so must treat myself to another copy one day. I do have the
reprint but love the first book.
This Puffin at 13 months is taller than 2 year old Frankie who could have a
meal served on his back without it moving while he is running!! . Puffin?
I see three courses being served on his back, up at the shoulder, down in
the middle and up in the bum!! Bit like a chinese smorgasbord. Time will
tell ?
Jan Chaplin
Ariege-Roussillon Pyreneans
http://www.geocities.com/janellachaplin or
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