I recall reading an article somewhere(?) referring to the
weight/growth of large/giant Breed pups and the underlying factor was " lean is
better" until at least 12 months of age. I would prefer to feel ribs and also
some backbone at this age. Each growing youngster may be different from
another growing youngster. It's the genes that
dictate the height, size and weight overall so if you have a youngster who
tends to put weight on easily then ensure you don't compound the weight
increases. We can all give the weights, heights of our young ones but don't
expect them to be all the same, they are from different litters/matings and even
litter mates may show a disparity in height/weight according to the genes they
have inherited. My 12 month old dog is 53 kilos, my 2 year old dog is 50
kilos. One is an import, one is bred by me. Guess which one I wish
to reduce the weight on??? Especially when I think that the height and bone mass
are not contributing to the weight of 53 kilos???
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