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[pyrnet] CHAT: Great Pyrenees History
Please contact Penny if you have any information that you'd like to share
with her. She's also looking for historical information on other breeds
such as Saint Bernards, Bernese, Greater Swiss, Kusvaz, Kommodors, etc....
Permission to crosspost granted.
Karen Reiter
> Dear Fellow Pyrenees Owners,
> My name is Penny Knoll and I am a professor of Construction Engineering
> Technology in Montana but I am also a great fan of the Pyrenees. I have
> two Pyrs myself and this makes 4 Pyrs I have had in my life.
> What I am writing about is I am helping an assistant curator at the Museum
> of the Rockies in Montana with an exhibit about the history of alpine dogs
> and WW I. We are looking for historical data on Great Pyrenees, Bernese
> Mountain Dogs, etc that helped the war effort during World War I. We are
> looking for pictures and historical data about the part alpine dogs played
> during the war. If you have ANY information, would you be so kind and
> share this information with us. The exhibit is to open up Memorial Day
> 2001.
> Also, would you please forward this to as many Great Pyrenees owners &
> lovers as you can.....our breed served in both great world wars and they
> deserve to be honored as well as all canines who have served our great
> country.
> I thank you in advance for your help and look forward to any information
> you can provide or references/contacts you can help with.
> Sincerely,
> Penny Knoll
> 414 Overbrook Drive
> Bozeman, MT 59715
> 406-586-7253 home
> 406-994-0250 home fax
> e-mail: pmknoll@in-tch.com (home)
> pennyk@ce.montana.edu (work)
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