Hi Marie you go ahead and Rant and Rave I'm sure
there were many of us backing you up.This past week with the pyrs that have
needed Rescuing on this list and others has had my heart
breaking.I look at my two pyrs that I love so much and in my mind I can picture
these pyrs in shelters in need of love and medical attention and my blood boils
for the owners that wanted these magnificent animals when they were cute
little balls of fur until the newness wore off and they started to grow up.I
think any person that abandons an animal should some how be black listed and
never allowed to own any animal again.To bad people were not given a # and every
animal they own tattooed with that # to know who should not be allowed animals
ever again.But that is just wishful thinking on my part .So add my name to your
Ranting and Raving list I agree with you.
Peggy Shadow and