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Re: [pyrnet] Pyrs and kids
This past Saturday we had another example of how wonderful our dogs
are with children. Despite the cold and absence of several people who
usually make it, we had 28 Great Pyrenees with big red bows around their
necks turn up for the Manassas Annual Christmas Parade this past
Saturday......all that white fur is quite a sight! Our club has been in
the parade for 14 years and the area children are so excited to see "the
Christmas Dogs" All along the parade route children run out to hug the
dogs. Many people told me of the wonderful pictures they have of our
dogs from previous years. All of the dogs behaved beautifully and just
loved all the attention and hugs. What fun it is to get a chance to
show off our wonderful dogs! They certainly make great "parade dogs"
always calm and gentle.
Katie Allison Granju wrote:
> I just wanted to share how happy we are with how our
> Pyr and our 3 kids interact with each other. The kids
> are 2,5 and 9 and our Pyr is now 14 months old. He is
> just SUCH a great kid dog. He is always so calm and
> patient with them. They crawl all over him and like to
> play house with him where he is the "family dog." He
> provides a big floor pillow when they watch
> television. He patiently allows himself to be led all
> over the yard, tied to the playhouse, hooked to the
> wagon, etc. He is never rambunctious or rowdy with
> them. Honestly, he behaves pretty much like people say
> a *Newfie* should act. I just really couldn't ask for
> a better dog for kids. The only problem is that when
> other parents come over and see him with the kids,
> they immediately ask where they can get a Pyr ;-) Lots
> of my kids' friends' parents have gotten Goldens or
> Labs as family dogs and struggle constantly to deal
> with these dogs' activity level and desire to play
> rather rambunctiously (is that a word?) with their
> children.
> Katie
> =====
> Katie Allison Granju~
> http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?inkey=62-067102762X-0
> Knoxville, TN
> kgranju@yahoo.com
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