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[pyrnet] Violation of Club Policies, the Law, Rescue (Was Beau, Antler, & Breeders)
I'm newly involved in rescue and experiencing the dilemma first hand. I
fully agree that a breeder violating club policies in regard to taking back
a dog he or she has bred should be exposed to the public.
From a legal standpoint:
Slander, defamation, and libel refer to FALSE statements made about someone.
In order to sue for any of the three, the breeder would have to prove the
accusations false. If spoken or written statements about the breeder are
true and can be documented, there's little he or she can do except get mad.
----- Original Message -----
From: Robyn Allwright <ziffanyrobyn@earthlink.net>
To: <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] Beau, Antlers, & breeders
> No, I think you misunderstood me. What I was referring to was the fact
> that while you were "warned" not to get a dog from this one breeder, when
> you checked with that breeder, you did get a fully logical AND ethical
> reason for what had transpired. I too agree, that if a person is found
> be violating club policies, they should be expelled, and Then IMHO, the
> "world should know". I'm not a lawyer either, but if the truth was
> incriminating, then let it be that way. Also, as they say, "if the shoe
> fits, wear it".
> > I think you may be misunderstanding me. I am saying the person should be
> > exposed if, after a thorough checking of the situation, she or he is
> > to be in violation of club policies. Then it seems reasonable to let the
> > public know that this person will not be responsible for their dogs. I
> would
> > be more concerned with protecting the public and future dogs from ending
> up
> > in rescue. I am not a lawyer, but am not sure how a person could sue for
> > having the truth published. I don't know, maybe I am naive. But the good
> of
> > the dogs and future owners seems far more important to me than an
> unethical
> > person being able to continue making money from dogs that they are not
> > willing to be responsible for.
> > Marie and Beau
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> --- Robyn Allwright
> --- ziffanyrobyn@earthli
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