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Re: [pyrnet] HELP -- Need fencing advice

On 4 Nov 00, at 14:32, Old4fun@aol.com wrote:

> What about 6ft. chain link and then that slope inward at the top with
> either chicken wire or 3 or 4 strands of barb wire?  Does that help?
> Truly, these dogs could never adjust to the "pen!". (It would kill me!)

Actually chain link fencing is not the best to contain dogs.  The 
bottom wire can come loose and it's very easy for dogs to push or dig 
out.  Plus I have seen a determined pyr chew right through chain 
link.  In our part of the country Horse fencing is available, pretty 
sturdy stuff with reinforced bottom wire, that when strung nice and 
tight is harder to dig out under. Horse fencing is also cheaper than 
chain link and the holes are smaller so a pyr cannot stick it's head 
through like field fencing. You can also lay some type of wire fence 
on the ground before installing the upright fencing. Some people also 
pound rebar into the ground every 10" or so, along the fence; this 
helps keep the dog from digging out. I have heard that inward angled 
top fencing does work but hot wire might be cheaper. Oh and the pen 
is not going to kill your dogs, being uncontained just might.  All of 
mine have been raised in pens for their safety when pups.  Most of 
the time they have free run of my fenced property, but there are 
times they all go back into their pens.  I have workman here, one is 
sick, one dog is grumpy, whatever.  As long as they get exercise 
daily they are fine and a pen does not have to be small.

Taos, New Mexico