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Re: [pyrnet] Breeding? -- a variation

When there are so many unwanted dogs out there -- purebred as well as mixs, 
why do people want to "experiment" with crossing dog breeds???

Just found out that a woman in our area will soon be having a litter of 
pyr/saint crosses.  She called a fellow pyr/goat owner to say she will be 
wanting to find home for the pending litter.  This is the same woman, who 
about a month ago placed an ad in the local paper "discounting" all her dogs 
-- both adults and pups ot $150.  When my friend and I called her, she said 
that she was selling all the dogs except two males and one female, because 
"it's no longer fun" and that she "hadn't had a vacation in 18 years".  Well, 
now she's "experimenting".

This is the same woman who tells people she's working with the Pyrenean 
Rescue organisation, but what she is doing is getting unwanted pyrs, not 
neutering them before they are placed, and worse -- breeding them herself to 
make money.  It is my understanding that the saint that is pregnant was also 
a rescue.  There isn't anything that animal control can do as the dogs are 
being cared for.  Just sticks in my crawl when the local paper runs an 
article on Pyrs with her name mentioned.  Several of us have contacted the 
paper about their article, but they do not seem interested in doing any type 
of followup article, where they talk to the people around here who are REALLY 
doing rescue and more importantly breed education. 

Never mind -- sorry about venting.
Taylors, SC