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Re: [pyrnet] Re: Not bathing

----- Original Message -----
To: Pyrnet
Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2000 11:23 AM
Subject: [pyrnet] Re: Not bathing

I tend to agree with Charlotte and Jan that bathing once a week is too much, and really should not be necessary. A correct pyr coat should be self cleaning and not need a lot grooming,
Being bathed and professionally groomed once a month and then brushed every few days at home has kept Beau's coat in beautiful condition. I agree with the comment that a pyr's coat is self cleaning. When Beau gets muddy I simply wait for the mud to dry, brush him with a rake type comb and the dirt simply flakes off. And he looks as lovely as he did before. Although I do have to keep a close eye on his skin as he seems to have very sensitive skin. And can develop hot spots easily if I don't pay enough attention to his coat. I recently discoved that he is allergic to fire ant bites when he was bitten on the inside of his ankle and licked the hair off because of the itch. I took him the the vet and got medication which cleared it up. And I put Tea Tree and Aloe Vera gel on the bare patch to relieve the itch until the hair grew back.
Marie and Beau