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RE: Re: [PyrNet-L] breeding question

--- Original Message ---
clhenke@juno.com Wrote on 
Fri, 10 Mar 2000 10:33:41 -0600
Terry, may I ask, with out appearing to blast you or anyone else,
which I
assure you is not my intent.  How do you think we can best handle
overpopulation, euthanasia, and endless rescue work?
If everyone who has a dog of a certain breed,  breeds that breed,
because they " want to " with  no criteria in mind at all?  Will
dog/ bitch be spayed/neutered when you have it?  Or will you
think it is
such a nice specimen that you will want to breed it?  It is an
on going
problem that never stops.  Showing a dog to title does not really
it is the best, but it narrows down those who would breed somewhat,
because of the effort and expense.  There are actually a lot
of people
who love to show, but understand the amount of animals slaughtered
year, and will never breed, because of it.  I.M.O., no slam intended!



Thank you for your response and your very reasonable question.
In my "Particular" case; My stepmother bred and showed miniature
poodles, my very good friends bred and showed English Bulldogs
and my cousin showed Dobes. I have wanted to become involved
with Pyrs for quite some time and have prepared myself properly:
IE: visiting breeders, reading the required books and visiting
with rescue people. I have just volunttered to become involved
with rescue in my area. 

It is my intention to own an "Intact" Pyr. First and foremost
as my constant companion/household guardian; secondly to ( hopefully)
accompany me on my weekly visits to the V.A. hospital, as both
my helper and ( again hopefully )as a therapy dog. If this requires
me to participate in showing the dog then I will do so. 

Would I like to become involved in a selective breeding program
with one or more accredited Kennels? Yes. I feel that in this
way it is possible to ( at least one time ) breed a good dog
who is healthy and hearty, in conjunction with a suitable Kennel
that may want a healthy outcross.

In general; there are many good, responsible people, who resort
to Puppy Farms in order to own an intact dog. This is not a good
thing either, for obvious reasons. It appears that we have as
many questions as we do answers. At any rate, it is a worthwhile
topic for discussion.


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