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Re: [PyrNet-L] HEALTH, CHAT: of Clondike, olive leaves, frankincense & myrrh

----- Original Message -----
From: David P Kintsfather Jr <kintsfat@kutztown.edu>
To: Great Pyrenees Discussion List <PYR-L@APPLE.EASE.LSOFT.COM>
Cc: <endlesslove@egroups.com>; <LGD-L@APPLE.EASE.LSOFT.COM>;
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2000 10:36 PM
Subject: [PyrNet-L] HEALTH, CHAT: of Clondike, olive leaves, frankincense &

> It has been pointed out that I am WAY behind in reporting on Clondike, a
> Great Pyrenees bitch who is now 12 years, 4 months old and was diagnosed
> 21 months ago with canine lymphoma
> Thanks for thinking of her.  Hugs to all,
> David, Nancy and Clondike (Pyr w/ lymphoma, Dx. 5/98)
Hello David, Nancy and the beautiful Clondike! I am new to the list and so
did not know Clondike or her story. But after reading about her and visiting
her site I feel in love. She is a beautiful and enchanting girl! And when
her pictures came up on the monitors screen my boy Beau was looking over my
shoulder and seemed very interested! LOL! I guess you can chalk up another
conquest for Clondike!

My Beau is also a rescue so they have this in common. I will pray that your
lovely girl continues to stay in remission! I loved her photo album!
Especially the photo of her and her therapy posse. I have always thought my
Beau would do well as a therapy dog as he so laid back and loves attention
so much. I witnessed his magic touch during the Christmas season when a
local group of rescuers and rescue dogs visited the local convelescant
center to sing carols and let the residents visit with the dogs. There was
one man that immediately drew Beau's attention. He was slumped over in his
wheelchair and was not responding to people or the greyhounds in our group.
I asked about him and was told he had not spoken to anyone in over eight
months. And that he had been a prominent vet in his youth. My Beau went over
to this man and put his head in the mans lap and nosed his hand trying to
get him to pet him. And amazingly this man actually started to pet him and
talk to him! It was so touching! I felt like I had witnessed a miracle! And
the nursing home staff were floored! My boy even gave the man a kiss. And
Beau is not a big kisser even though he is the most loving boy in the world!
Thank you for letting me meet your Clondike!
Marie McFarland and Beau