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Re: [PyrNet-L] cleaning those "treasures"

>  By the way I had something in my cabinet that would interest you. A
> of Champagne painted silver with the head of Eng/Aust Ch Briarghyll
> Kelso(UK) hand painted on by the artist Sheila Thomson. 10 of these
> were painted by Sheila (all different heads) in 1984 for the PMDC Vic's
> Ch Show. I was allowed to pick which one I wanted and I chose Kelso. I had
> granddaughter of his at the time.  Sheila had owned the Renean Pyrs in the
> UK so the bottles were works of art!!  I was going to open it if one of
> Pyrs' went BIS but when the day arrived I couldn't do it so the bottle
> remains unopened.(Yes Ronda, I know a rare occurence here! At least I
> haven't dropped my Sandicast Pyr!) .
> Kelso was owned by the Van Ecks.

I never said a word about the champers and I didn't drop my Sandicast Pyr.
It was Leah and Merlot playing when they were pups who knocked it off the
table.  It looks okay apart from a slightly shortened muzzle. To clean it
and any of my treasures I just put them in the dishwasher. They come up
beautifully. They take a little while to dry properly but are really clean.
Doesn't apply to anything with gold or silver on though

Best Wishes
Ronda & Martin Trent
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