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Re: [PyrNet-L] How much "natural" food should a Pyr eat?

<<In July I started my Pyr on the "natural" diet of human food that I had
heard a lot about on this e-mail list.  My only hesitation with this diet is
that I'm not sure how much Keesha SHOULD be eating........ Keesha seems to
think this is a restaurant and that she can order off the menu.  Has anyone
else experienced their Pyr being picky?>>Marcia?

I am not too sure what kind of 'natural' diet you are feeding (given that
there are so many variations of what people refer to as 'natural'), but that
is probably neither here nor there when it comes to amounts.  Individual
dogs vary so much in what amount of food they need, and you will be the only
one who can determine this for your dog.  The way you do this is by
'looking' at your dog.  First of all, put your hands in Keesha's coat on her
sides.  Can you feel her ribs at all?  If you can't, she needs to lose
weight and you need to cut down the amount you are feeding.  You should just
be able to feel the ribs under a light covering - a bit like running your
fingers over your knuckles.  By doing this regularly you will be able to
keep an eye on her weight and adjust her diet appropriately.

Acting 'hungry' is not really a good gauge of whether a dog has eaten the
right amount or not.  Some dogs 'always' act hungry no matter how much they
eat (My Dalmatian is one of those dogs! :-) ).  Often people find too that
when switching to a 'natural' diet, their dogs begin to 'enjoy' their food a
lot more than they did in the past - hence their willingness to stuff as
much of it in their faces as they can! LOL!

Regarding being picky - yes dogs will have some 'favourite' type foods that
they prefer over others.  Don't let them twist you around their little (!)
paws too much though.  Don't give in and give them something else, just
because they would prefer it.  It is better just to give them what you are
serving for them that night, and if they don't want it, pick it up after
about 15 minutes.  Try again later if you want, but don't substitute
something else - it is that or nothing.  They will soon get the idea that
you are not their personal waiter and they can't order what they want! LOL!

If you wish to discuss specific aspects of your dogs diet, their are many
lists set up just for this.  The BARF list at www.onelist.com  is for people
who feed a 'Bones and Raw Food' or 'Biologically Appropriate Raw Foods'
diet, mainly as per Ian Billinghurst and Kymthy Shultz.  If you are feeding
another type of 'natural' diet eg a 'home cooked' diet, there are other
lists like allnaturalcanine (also at onelist) which can help you.

Tracy Bassett
Canberra, Australia
visit my webpage at http://members.dynamite.com.au/espinay/index.htm