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[PyrNet-L] Re:arthritis

In a message dated 11/29/99 2:46:58 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
pyrnet-l-owner@pyrnet.org writes:

<< homeopathic RX for arthritis? >>

Yes:  (1) Glycoflex;  this is a brand name for green mussel pills that is 
noted for its anti pain and anti inflamatory properties.  It is outstanding, 
although there are some cases where it doesn't appear to work.    I have an 
almost 8 year old male pyr who has arthritis so bad in his knees the vets are 
astounded he is walking after looking at his xrays.  He has been on glycoflex 
for over a year now.  

    (2)  Glycosamine/chondrontin;  This not only increases the synovial fluid 
in the joints but has been shown to actually repair cartiledge for the 
tearing down process that is arthritis. Also very good.  Can be used in 
conjunction with Glycoflex.

    (3) There are others such as Inflamawayees (or something like that) that 
I also have Boris on.  Appears to work.

All are available at KV Vet supply  1-800-423-8211.   Order a catalog today!  
 Once the limping disappears, I would get your dog off Rymadyl since there 
are some major side effects.  There is no need to have him on R. once he is 
stabalized, unless he is so old and the arthritis is so progressed that it is 
your only option.  I do use R. now and again if Boris sprains something or 
starts limping, but after a week he is usually fine and I stop.  Besides 
that, the glycoflex and etc. is a whole lot cheaper than R., without the side 
