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[PyrNet-L] Re: pyrnet-l-digest.19991129-1

>I am curious as to what brought everyone to the breed.

When I was a child, one neighbor had 2 St Bernards.  The other neighbor had
2 Great Danes.  All I wanted was a Giant Breed dog since I was 10.  After
seeing my first GPs working on a 5000 acre ranch in Texas, I knew they were
THE ONES.  I waited 10 years through college and grad school for a Pyr.

Patience is not my strong suit and my attraction with THOSE dogs was the
source of much ribbing from my family.  We were almost ready to begin
looking for a Pyr pup when I got an e-mail from my sister stating "Mom said
I shouldn't tell you, but... I know these two Great Pyrenees dogs who need a

Ben and Bill came to us two weeks later.  Lectures from my mom started even
quicker than that...

Mike Sanders
Austin, Texas
