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[PyrNet-L] Poor Sam

My 6 mo old Sammy had his entropian surgery today and he looks so pathetic.... and was neutered at the same time, and had the hip xrays done.  His hips are fine- no sign of dysplasia!  He is sporting (not too proudly though) one of those Elizabethian collars and is not a happy camper.......... he managed to get the collar off at the vet before I even picked him up, and they said he was up and wandering around his pen about an hour after the surgery wanting to go home!  They gave me Remadyl for the pain..... and this is probably a stupid  question, but how much can I give him?  He is trying to lick the incisional area and keeps gouging it with the collar. I have been trying to distract him by giving him his favorite rawhide bones or anything to chew on......... and from what the vet said, the collar is mainly for the eyes at this point. He is pacing and pacing--- trying to shake off the collar...seems almost hyper right now.  I gave him a pill about 1 hr ago........ any thoughts?